Florida legislative history on Westlaw
Westlaw has created a number of state legislative history guides, including one for the state of Florida. The guides summarize the availability of each state's legislative history documents on Westlaw. Dates of coverage vary for each database.
The state of Florida has the following legislative history databases on Westlaw:
FL-LH (searches journals, analyses and messages)
FL-LH-REP (bill analyses)
FL-LH-JNLS (legislative journals)
FL-LH-MSG (messages from the governor)
FL-BILLTXT (all versions of available bills)
FL-BILLTRK (summaries and status of billls)
FL-BILLS (combined search of BILLTXT and BILLTRK files)
FL-BILLS-OLD (summaries and status of bills and text of bills from earlier legislative sessions)
FL-BILLTXT-OLD (bills from earlier legislative sessions)
FL-BILLTRK-OLD (status tables from earlier legislative sessions)